benreesman 7 hours ago

There are lots of reasons to want a robust local development environment, but a paved path or sometimes even the possibility of "consistency between environments" is not one of them dear sir or madame.

The JankStack in which one piles Python environment jank on top of Ubuntu/Darwin jank, and piles Docker jank on top of the previous, and piles Docker Compose jank on the previous, until you finally arrive at Jank-As-A-Service via something like ECS or EKS gives a terrifyingly comforting illusion of such with roughly the risk profile of speedballing hard drugs while simultaneously free climbing El Capitan. It has the nice ancillary benefit of subsidizing some combination of mega-yachts and private space programs, so that's cool I guess.

Sooner or later you're going to link CUDA, or glibc, or some other thing that just doesn't play like that. And then your are capital-F fucked if you didn't invest early on in some heavy-metal hermitic shit and some Gazed into a Palantir foresight around feature flags.

  • the_gipsy 6 hours ago

    I get the "stacking jank but then it's different in thr cloud", okay, but what's the remedy? Are you talking about Nix, since you mention DLLs?

    • benreesman 6 hours ago

      There are a number of things that I reach for in such situations, and some combination of Nix/Flox/Bazel is often what you opt for if you've got serious requirements around diverse software stacks, particularly in the presence of accelerators like NVIDIA cards.

      None of those things is a silver bullet though. They are among the best tools for that class of job, but while Nix and Bazel both have facilities for coping with multi-platform builds with difficult dependencies, you still work hard for it. Nix/NixOS will get you just about perfect builds on a given OS/CPU pair, and Bazel has a lot to offer there too, but when targeting `aarch64-darwin` for local development on Macs and `x86_64-linux` on the deployment target, it's not a free lunch.

      The documentation and OSS community support and stuff like that has gotten better (a lot better) in the last year or two for both of those things, but I still can't in good conscience recommend either to a shop that doesn't already have experienced staff (or staff that is passionate about getting that experience): it's a steep learning curve because the problem is fundamentally insane in practice if not in theory.

      For folks that want code to run the same in production as in development and can't categorically commit to languages and libraries that religiously eschew diverse native dependencies but still don't want to go through the looking glass with e.g. Nix the best bet in my experience is to provision dev servers adjacent to the production infrastructure and lean on a massively improved remote development experience in e.g. VSCode compared to even a few years ago.

  • VHRanger 6 hours ago

    Or, you know, one of the 1350 dependencies deep in that stack hardcoded something stupid and now you can't update another critical dependency.

    • benreesman 6 hours ago

      I'm a particular fan of how `iconv` is ready to freak out and not link if it happened to doomscroll TikTok that morning and for no other reason more easily discovered than via `pwndbg`.

  • mananaysiempre 6 hours ago

    > piles Python environment jank on top of Ubuntu/Darwin jank, and piles Docker jank on top of the previous, and piles Docker Compose jank on the previous, until you finally arrive at Jank-As-A-Service

    Don’t demand your language do the job of the operating system and come with a package manager. Your distro has packages that are guaranteed to play well together, use them.

    • benreesman 5 hours ago

      I use a number of operating systems/distributions/package managers, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Most can more or less build most stuff in a way that you can run infrastructure on as long as you're not in a nasty cross-platform setting (MacOS development and Linux deployment comes to mind).

      Off the top of my head I can't think of any language other than Python that manages to be a constant and persistent cavalcade of self-inflicted environment and dependency chemical fires on absolutely every single one of them. Pointing this out usually generates a bunch of "pipenv/poetry/uv/whatever works fine for me", and for those folks I am very happy that they don't deal with heavily native extension-backed requirements. Mazel tov.

      It's a meme:

      • keybored 2 hours ago

        > Pointing this out usually generates a bunch of "pipenv/poetry/uv/whatever works fine for me",

        I had to use bundler (Ruby) and got some non-descript “missing dev dependencies”. After installing “dev dependencies” (?) for my Linux distro it still didn’t work. The first StackOverflow answer (for Windows) had over a dozen answers with “this worked for me on macOS”. No logic to it, just a random of assortment of commands that happened to work.

        At that point I decided to use devbox. And give up if that didn’t work (but it did).

    • jt2190 4 hours ago

      > Your distro has packages that are guaranteed to play well together…

      I’ve never worked in an org that had all machines 100% unified on a single distro from dev to prod.

cletus 7 hours ago

I live by this principle: If it takes you more than 30 seconds to test a change, you're going to have a huge productivity drain.

That means writing a test should be easy and running it should be fast (including any compilation steps). As soon as something takes more than 30 seconds, you've lost a lot of people. They've switched tabs. They're on HN or reddit or they've pulled out their phone.

You've broken the flow.

Some people can work effectively in an environment where it takes 1-10+ minutes to build something and then you run enough code to test a bunch of changes at once. You might even have multiple clients open at once and you switch between. This doesn't suit me and it doesn't suit a lot of people I've worked with.

Where does local storage fit in? Any test you write will probably need data. You don't want to mock out your data storage. You just want to use the same API and have it be backed by a hash map (or whatever) and have it easy to populate that with data.

Once you have that, local data for something interactive like a website becomes a natural extension.

  • andai 6 hours ago

    I find it irritating when a program's compile time is perceptible. In compiled languages, TCC (Tiny C Compiler) was the only one that came close, though it doesn't seem to be great for production use.

    This made me switch back to JS and Python. The frictionlessness of "I made this change and I see the result in the same breath" is very compelling to me. Fortunately there are fast TypeScript compilers now, which make the process more or less tolerable (in watch mode).

    I seem to be in the minority here, preferring instant responsiveness. When I run Windows XP in a VM, and press Win+E, an explorer window is presented to me in the next frame, fully rendered. When I do this on the host OS (Win10), it takes several hundred MS for the OS to draw a window, and then I watch with sadness for several moments as the UI elements are drawn one by one. If they had done nothing for twenty years, it would still be perfect.

    I'm also reminded of Casey Muratori doing the Visual Studio questionnaire. They asked how long do you think it should take to launch. The lowest option was "ten seconds", and he found this comical and depressing. VS used to be much faster, too.

    • cletus 6 hours ago

      I view JS as necessary because of the Web but honestly I don't like doing Python for anything serious because it's a dynamic language and I don't want to write unit tests for spelling mistakes. I realize it's the tool of choice for AI/ML/DS (for good reasons).

      But I'm with you on fast compilation and at Google this was the case, even with C++. There was a ton of infrastructure made around this that wouldn't be easy to replicate but I could certainly compile and run a C++ unit test in <20 seconds most of the time.

      • andai an hour ago

        Someone asked me today what's my favorite programming language, and I said Python.

        I don't use it very often, but even with minimal experience, (and despite my love for static typing,) it's significantly more pleasant and productive than everything else.

        It's unfortunately not a great fit for my main niches (small fast binaries with minimal dependencies, and browser games), but in the areas where it shines, it shines.

      • patrakov 5 hours ago

        You don't need to write Python unit tests for spelling mistakes. A good IDE will highlight them on the fly, and static analysis tools such as pyflakes or pylint will flag them on demand.

    • viraptor 6 hours ago

      How long it should take to launch VS or the app through VS? I start it once an update, so any time to start is basically amortised to 0. If anything can be sped up later by doing more processing at startup, I'd totally agree to that.

      • andai an hour ago

        VS itself, but now you mention it, VS's build system is also very slow (8 seconds last I checked) compared with just running the same compiler on the command line (about 1 second iirc).

        I once turned on verbose build output and just started laughing hysterically at all the useless bullshit it was wasting my time doing dozens of times a day.

        So I just use a build.bat now.

  • johnchristopher 2 hours ago

    > I live by this principle: If it takes you more than 30 seconds to test a change, you're going to have a huge productivity drain.

    > That means writing a test should be easy and running it should be fast (including any compilation steps). As soon as something takes more than 30 seconds, you've lost a lot of people. They've switched tabs. They're on HN or reddit or they've pulled out their phone.

    And here I am, compiling tailwind CSS on a blade based template consisting of hundreds of partials. ~30 seconds then refresh. FML.

  • Washuu 6 hours ago

    > That means writing a test should be easy and running it should be fast (including any compilation steps). As soon as something takes more than 30 seconds, you've lost a lot of people. They've switched tabs. They're on HN or reddit or they've pulled out their phone.

    ADHD can make this worse since a time delay means getting distracted for much longer.

    I have been working on testing a single issue for months. I wrote the fix the first day, but because it can only be tested in the remote development environment. An environment that I have zero insight into how it works and also requires coordinator cross-team members to work together for several hours together to test the fix! ...Because if we need to make a change pushing takes twenty minutes to test and build the new environment.

sovietmudkipz 6 hours ago

At my work senior leads and architects always shoot down being able to develop locally, especially when devs bring up wanting the capability. The critique is some variation of “it would be impossible to run all services locally” or “it would be too expensive.”

So we develop the code and deploy into QA, often breaking things. Cycle times are measured in hours to days. Breaking QA is sometimes a fireable offense. Lol.

The leads and architects are correct in my case; it would be impossible and too expensive to do. This is because our services are built on hundreds of bespoke manual configurations made along the way to production. Discovering and pulling into code/automation would be a whole months/year long project in itself.

That said there are ways of developing locally without running everything locally. Pull in the code of the service you want to work on locally and just point to QA for its dependencies. Most times it takes some finagling of code but it usually works.

Even if everything was running locally, often generating usable data is the biggest barrier. In QA thousands of hands have generated partly useable data. It’s a hard problem to solve since I don’t want to have to know about data requirements for every service.

  • fuzzy2 6 hours ago

    Wow that sounds like the absolute worst. My condolences. In projects I manage I even try not to use containers for the service being developed. (Only for its dependencies.) Everything that affects cycle times must go.

    That being said, you should also have a dev environment. QA isn't for development. It'll certainly be cheaper than firing people.

    • Pxtl 5 hours ago

      Right? I do the DevOps/architect stuff at my org and one game changer for testing was configuring it to spin up a separate instance per pull-request. Occasionally things get wonky because all the PR instances share an authentication/authorization server, but by and large it is excellent for being able to quickly demo.

      But it does mean that you have to be religious about building links and connection-strings in your code.

      • rollcat 4 hours ago

        Once you have 3 environments (which IMHO is the minimum viable number: dev, staging, prod), it tends to be much easier to generalise that to N, at least from the application side (spinning up the extra infra is a separate beast). It tends to weed out many of the "if (prod)"s because there should now be differences between dev & staging that you need to take care of, and sprinkling elaborate switch statements gets tedious really fast - most devs tend to be happier actually simplifying code.

        I've seen some really nasty offenders though, e.g. actual business logic hidden behind an "if (window.location.hostname == ...)". Sometimes it takes a lot of patience to explain that this is how you get production-only bugs that QA will never have a chance to find or reproduce.

  • tetraodonpuffer 6 hours ago

    I don’t understand some of my colleagues that feel this way either, I’ve been around a long time but having a way to set up a ”local” environment with a local automated build to me seems priority one for any piece of software cloud or otherwise.

    By “local” I mean self contained, my “local” environment is right now a single cloud Linux VM with kind for kubernetes, all sorts of k8s local monitoring / cert issuing / stubbed things, metallb and openvpn to access (with a local to my computer dhcpcd for DNS resolution) and so on, all building from local and orchestrated by a python set of scripts. All of this works great and has saved me so many times and made development so much faster compared to teams that rely on ci/cd even for basic development (where every commit takes an hour+ to deploy due to tests builds and so on)

    The only issue with this approach can be services / software that has hard dependencies on specific cloud products you can’t run “locally” but even in that case you can always spin up / tear down super small versions of them to use for the setup. Python has been great to glue orchestrating everything with easy to use kubernetes and docker libraries, and aws/azure cli commands as needed.

    If you have a product that you can’t easily build or deploy in an automated manner you’re going to have a bad time at disaster recovery time or when the one person that knew how that one piece gets installed is laid off.

  • patrakov 5 hours ago

    I have also seen a prohibition to have a local copy of the code coming from cybersecurity guys worried about laptops being compromised, for example, through an email with a malicious link. "Here is a web-based editor; please develop everything there, and at the bottom, there is a terminal to run your application," they say.

    • acdha 34 minutes ago

      Yes - that’s an indictment of the security group on multiple levels (Kerckhoffs's principle, failure to deploy FDE / MFA, etc.) but depending on the organizational culture the cost might be shifted to the development groups and not everyone has senior technical staff able to challenge it.

  • rcxdude 6 hours ago

    Yeah, this is the situation being argued against. If you don't focus on making your environment reproducible, you wind up tangled in a mess no-one can understand. I imagine you also don't expect to be able to get things running again after a disaster strikes.

simonw 7 hours ago

I go back and forth on this.

On the one hand, maintaining local development environments that work reliably across larger team if developers is a HUGE cost in terms of time and effort. Developers are amazing at breaking their environments in unexpected ways. It’s common for teams to lose many hours a week to problems related to this.

So I love the idea of cloud-based development environments where, if something breaks, a developer can click a button on a website, wait a few minutes and have a fresh working environment ready to go again.

But… modern laptops are getting SO fast now. It’s increasingly difficult to provide a cloud-based environment that’s remotely as performant as a M2 or M3 laptop.

  • acdha 7 hours ago

    Two thoughts:

    * in every single case I’ve seen, the developers who broke their local environments that badly had significant skill deficits which affected their general productivity. Investing in training paid dividends far beyond not having to deal with their local environment getting hosed since they also stopped creating massive security and performance problems in production.

    * building a cloud-based development where someone can refresh it automatically means you’ve identified a reliable process for installing and configuring everything. That same process can be run locally, probably using the same container definitions for everything except the parts they’re focused on.

    • dimgl 3 hours ago

      > in every single case I’ve seen, the developers who broke their local environments that badly had significant skill deficits which affected their general productivity. Investing in training paid dividends far beyond not having to deal with their local environment getting hosed since they also stopped creating massive security and performance problems in production.

      I mirror this sentiment.

      Another one that I've commonly seen: a bit of a yellow flag if a developer is struggling with Git. Becomes a red flag if the issues continue to happen after training. Usually means they don't understand other technical fundamentals.

      • keybored 2 hours ago

        A lot of developers struggle with Git. The only reason I don’t is because I’m interested in version control (too much according to some people I argue with).

        Well I say that I don’t struggle but I’ve never had to use submodules.[1]

        [1] Torvalds: people say that submodules is hard to use. True. But it’s gotten better now/it’s getting better. (Google Tech Talk 2007)

        • acdha an hour ago

          For me it comes down to how often something is holding you back. It’s perfectly reasonable for someone to only use the core Git operations, but if they’re losing work or having trouble collaborating that’s when I start to expect them to recognize that and try to improve.

    • IX-103 5 hours ago

      If you've never seen good developers bork their local environments then you clearly haven't worked on a large enough and complex enough project.

      I worked on a large project that needed to support development on many platforms. The amount of scripting for the git hooks and build hooks alone required its own development team. When subtly incompatible changes in git hooks rolled out, you would see a few people that ran commands in just the wrong way to bork their repository. These commands are usually fine, but when combined with an otherwise invisible change in the hooks, would just break things. Now the actual breakage rate was low, like 1 in 1000 in a given month, but with as many developers as were working on this project that was always a couple of people that had to nuke their local repo from orbit (it's the only way to be sure).

      • acdha 5 hours ago

        Note that I’m specifically referring to breaking it in a way which is significantly harder to recover from than rerunning a known setup process (Simon’s comparison to a cloud environment where you could reset it on-demand). It’s not about never making mistakes, it’s about having a good conceptual understanding and habits around configuration management.

  • rcxdude 7 hours ago

    What about local development precludes having a consistent, repeatable development environment? At worst you can distribute an environment the same way you would on the cloud.

    • mtndew4brkfst 5 hours ago

      In practice, the number one way to bungle a previously-working local environment at many of my past roles has been "brew upgrade". The number two way was to have MacOS and at least one Linux distribution used for local dev on the same team, but one vastly outnumber the other.

      While I am very pro-containers as a deployment target I am also very resistant to containers in the critical feedback loop of local dev, chiefly due to iteration speed and performance/battery overhead, which was much more glaring when the Intel chips were all we had.

      I can't endorse Nix in any capacity these days but it did seek to address multi platform environmental consistency, without containerization as your LCD.

      • rcxdude 5 hours ago

        I firmly believe MacOS and linux should be considered as different as windows and linux from the point of view of platform support. If the only time your software runs on MacOS is during development, you're probably wasting your time supporting another platform, and your developers are never developing against the target. "It's POSIX so it's the same" is a lie in basically all the ways that matter, you'll have a much easier time with a VM (by which I mean developing in the VM, not building a whole new VM/container in your development loop)

        (And I don't think I've ever seen a dev macOS setup that could be called clean, but it's been a long time since I've interacted with that, so maybe the situation has gotten better since then)

    • simonw 3 hours ago

      With local development the user has an almost unlimited array of other things they can do that might break stuff.

      With cloud, they can't. They could drop their laptop out of a window and still be up and running productively a few minutes later (given access to a computer with a keyboard and a web browser).

  • teeray 7 hours ago

    > the idea of cloud-based development environments where, if something breaks, a developer can click a button on a website, wait a few minutes and have a fresh working environment ready to go again.

    Until the cloud development environment inevitably breaks, and your entire development team’s productivity drops to zero.

    • simonw 3 hours ago

      Right, but you can have a dedicated team working on preventing that from happening - including robust automated tests that exercise the cloud development environment itself, checking that newly launched environments come up and work as they should.

      I assert that such a team will be a lot more productive than the exact same sized team dedicated to local development support instead.

    • pydry 7 hours ago

      This can and does happen with local environments too.

      Ideally both options would be available using a wrapper that ensures consistency across CI, cloud dev and laptop dev environments but I havent had that luxury anywhere.

      • teeray 6 hours ago

        > This can and does happen with local environments too.

        Absolutely—but when it does, it’s not evenly distributed. Some of your team can remain productive. Some can pair up. On the other hand, when the cloud development environment goes down, you always send your dev team home for the day.

  • phito 7 hours ago

    Docker makes it really easy

    • pards 7 hours ago

      This. Locally, we run the apps/services in our IDEs and all the supporting infra runs in Docker via docker compose: messaging systems, databases, caches, etc.

      This has the added benefit of ensuring that developers don't interfere with each other during development. Your Kafka messages will only be picked up by your processes. Your database changes don't impact anyone else until they're pushed.

    • simonw 3 hours ago

      If only that were true. Source: several years of supporting other developers working with Docker-based local development environments.

      It certainly helps, but there's still SO MUCH that can go wrong.

  • exe34 7 hours ago

    can you have a central conda install? or zip a full conda env?

    with nixos, you can have a single default.nix and serve from a binary cache.

austin-cheney 6 hours ago

The article does not provide numbers. The reason why local development is important is because of speed, like the article says, but the article supremely under sells this. We could easily be talking about several orders of magnitude performance improvements.

When I first joined travel company Orbitz they had a build that took just over 90 minutes. Of course it was a Java first environment, so I needed to test a small one line change to the UI (that had absolutely to do with Java) I still had to wait 90 minutes. So, I just planned on doing nothing all day.

In my personal software I start crying if my builds take longer than 12 seconds. The difference is that I really enjoyed getting paid to watch YouTube for 90 minutes stretches 5 or 6 times a day. It wasn't my time. It was their time. With my own software, though, it absolutely is my time.

Small improvement increases to trivial items is a cost savings that adds up. Its like a flash flood. A rain drop isn't going to drown you. A bunch of rain drops are still insignificant, but when there are too many rain drops you are under water.

Just think about how floods work, because its still just tiny rain drops. One increase does almost nothing on its own, but it enables other things to occur more frequently. When that happens everywhere you have a performance flood. Suddenly you can test automate several hundred features of your application end-to-end in less than 10 seconds. When that does occur it changes peoples behavior and their perceptions of risk, because now all options are discoverable in a nearly cost free manner for everyone. You will never ever get to experience that freedom if you are drowning in dependency and framework stupidity.

CharlieDigital 6 hours ago

For this reason, I strongly recommend Google Firebase.

The local emulator suite is one of the best I've seen[0] (would love to see others). Powerful and easy to set up[1].

It includes a top notch emulator for auth which gives you a full SSO flow as if going through Google's OAuth flow and makes it easy to get otherwise complicated auth flows nailed down. The database and Functions runtime emulators are excellent and make it easy to prototype and ship. Comes with a Pub/Sub emulator to boot for more complex async processes. You can export the emulator state to disk so you can share it or bring it back up into the same state.

If you need to interface with relational DBs, you just use a Pg or MySQL container.

Really phenomenal and would love to find other stacks with a similarly solid emulator suite. It's a strong recommend from me for any teams that value speed because it really allows much, much faster iteration.

Edit: Dear GCP team, please, please - never kill this thing.



  • nicoburns 6 hours ago

    For this reason I strongly recommend AGAINST Google Firebase. The local emulator is a big improvement over not having one, but it still absolutely sucks compared to a stack where you can run the production versions of the tools locally.

    If you really need a 3rd-party Auth solution then it could be good for that. Otherwise I would recommend to sticking to open source tools on top of a hosting provider that gives you containers and a managed (postgres or mysql) database.

    • CharlieDigital 3 hours ago

      It's easy enough to integrate with Google Cloud Run.

      I run a mix; some apps are pure Firebase and Functions. Some run Cloud Run serverless containers connected to Supabase upstream and Pg container locally.

      Firebase is quite flexible as a chunk of it is a facade for Google Cloud services (storage, auth API, CDN, Cloud Run).

      Very flexible model of upscaling services progressively. Functions -> Cloud Run -> GKE Autopilot -> GKE

Dansvidania 6 hours ago

Good local dev-env is vital for productivity, but even more so for dev satisfaction and engagement.

I have been arguing with myself on what a good dev-env is for as long as I have been working in enterprise software dev which by now is about 10 years.

All I know is that attempts to reproduce prod via tilt and similar have not been successful (I have witnessed 3 attempts). The promise of "one dev env for all teams" quickly falls apart.

The main problems with this are IMO: - 1. there is a false sense of encapsulation of complexity: you don't need to know how the components of non-owned services work, until something breaks (and break it will), and then you really do. - 2. #1 + docker + k8s + kafka + graphql etc... make complexity seem very cheap. - 3. add a minimum of deadline pressure on teams, and quickly they will stop caring about keeping the dev-env images up-to-date and/or working.

I would rather have intimate familiarity with what my services depend on, which is much easier to get by running these dependencies somewhat manually, close to natively. You can be sure that your colleagues will come knocking if complexity is not respected.

But this seems hard to package as a product...

jawns 7 hours ago

Local development works great ... until it doesn't. And then getting it to scale past a certain point is excruciating.

My favorite argument against local development, however, is that isolation is a bug, not a feature.

When I want to show another developer what I've built, or get help debugging an issue, I don't want to have to call them over to my laptop or do a screensharing session. I want them to have access to the same machine that I have access to, with the same data and configuration, and having cloud-based dev boxes enables that.

  • largest_hippo 6 hours ago

    Great point, and you're right that's easier if it's already cloud-based. But with ngrok-type utiltities (and good old SSH) there's nothing stopping us from saying "hey, check out this weird bug on my local instance -- here's the url/ssh hotsname." The downside is that it's often harder to spin up multiple locals than multiple cloud instances, and so it's harder to publish a url for the team to play around with for a day ("I'm building this new feature, but I'm not sure about the UX, what do you think?"). But IMHO the benefit of being able to nuke and recreate a dev environment in seconds (rather than the ~10mins it sometimes takes for a cloudsql instance to spin up) is worth it.

  • mirekrusin 6 hours ago

    Local dev doesn’t imply you can’t have deployable PRs.

plaguuuuuu 6 hours ago

Local development is extremely common in my area because the tooling is so good (dotnet).

However the most productive I've been was on a team where local development, even on a single service, was eschewed for the most part. We had tests that would cover 90+% of the codebase - more importantly nearly 100% of what was worth testing - and would routinely deploy things into staging from master that had never even been executed as a whole app, let alone run in anger and tested with live dependencies. The coverage was good enough that everything actually held together really well.

I'd never shipped anything that efficiently prior or since, it totally changed my view of TDD as being a time-consuming but safe and conservative regime vs my experience of it dramatically speeding up iteration.

The only thing that started gnawing at my brain (while admittedly operating a far lesser sized constellation of distributed services than, say, Facebook) was that there is no way of unit testing (or even statically verifying with TLA+ or something) the wider-scale structure of services, at least that I'm aware of. At some point I might knock something together involving specs and code generation but I dunno.

tmountain 6 hours ago

My team uses Supabase as our primary “backend” (API layer, auth, subscriptions, queuing, etc). It runs beautifully locally via the Supabase cli. We use migrations to sync the local DB to our production DB. Our app is written in NextJS. I can go from a fresh install of MacOS or Linux to running our app in less than 15 minutes. This has given us a huge advantage when testing, onboarding, and debugging weird issues in the production app.

bsnnkv 6 hours ago

Whenever I see a flake.nix in a project I'm more likely to contribute because I know I'm not going to get stuck in dependency hell before I can even test a single change.

Reproducible builds are what I've found to be the most important part of any local dev experience; standing up local databases, message queues etc required for whatever is being developed has always been relatively simple in comparison.

bob1029 6 hours ago

I'm fighting with a variant of this right now - Attempting to build a multiplayer game with dedicated servers & master server authority. I've got 4 computers involved to run the full dev iteration (2 for 1v1 clients, 1 for master server and 1 for dedicated server host). The clients I am running in my local LAN with both servers in AWS.

Attempting to do all of this on the local machine will mostly work, but it fails to exercise a lot of the networking concerns (public IP detection, port assignment, etc.), and weird edges crop up as latency grows beyond 0ms. It also makes it impossible to test with other players on other LANs without reaching for complicated networking setups that add even more confusion when things go wrong.

I could write a bunch of bandaid "if editor attached" code throughout, but I also like the idea that I am testing the final thing on the ~final hardware and there isn't going to be any weird dragon fight after this.

  • roland35 6 hours ago

    It sounds like your experience is a good example of having a full integration test setup which is basically what the "real thing" is.

    For doing end to end tests, that is likely required! But as the project matures over time hopefully you can carve out code which can be tested without the network stack.

wiradikusuma 6 hours ago

Thanks to Docker, whenever I start a new project or team, I always ensure that everything can be run locally (the DB, Redis, services, website, and mobile app). But it's hard to be disciplined, especially when reproducing bugs, so developers usually end up using a "shared" test server.

Also, these days, I use Cloudflare more and more. They're very affordable, and deployment is a breeze for the simplest cases. But local development seems to be an afterthought. I built a service that uses some of their dev offerings. Some work locally (using Miniflare), and some can only work remotely (dev environment in your Cloudflare account). Imagine when you need both kinds of offerings!

garydevenay 7 hours ago

Not having a local development env is a total productivity burner for me.

rcxdude 7 hours ago

I do think most of the comments here are missing the core point, which isn't so much about whether your development environment is running on your laptop or on the cloud, but more that it's possible to stand up your own environment with a functional version of your product. It's distressingly common that this isn't possible, and you can only test and integrate your code in a single shared development environment, or worse, production, and that neither of these are actually reproducible.

  • davnn 6 hours ago

    That's the point I was trying to make, which is also why I brought up 'pseudo-local' development environments in the article.

  • Aeolun 6 hours ago

    We worked like this for 5 years, and the highlight of the new project we’re finally starting is to keep it all reproductible from the start.

    It’s a constant fight though.

ehaikawaii 6 hours ago

If you have a local development environment that actually works, you have already done the hardest piece:

Identified every single thing needed to stand up a functional version of your app and made the rails to do so in a repeatable fashion.

You should do that anyway, and whether the dev environment is true local or runs using some special k8s hooks to some dev clusters or what have you is immaterial.

Ozzie_osman 6 hours ago

Agreed. I've seen this referred to as inner loop (local dev environment and work flow) and outer loop (deployment, production, etc). A team needs to optimize both loops, though each should have slightly different priorities in terms of speed, safety mechanics, etc.

anonzzzies 6 hours ago

We went remote-only dev years ago; definitely never going back. It's such a pleasure to always have the same stuff everywhere, no matter what and on any device.

  • hmottestad 6 hours ago

    You have a single shared server that everyone has to book time on to run and debug their code?

    Or does everyone have their own server that they ssh into? Cause I consider that as close to local as you can get without running stuff on your own laptop. Would be very annoyed though those few times I work on a plane or a train with spotty 4G/5G.

keybored 7 hours ago


  • mhuffman 6 hours ago

    >Only tangentially related of course. But we end up using the Web (webapp in this case) for all sorts of things where “works on my machine” is not even a potential problem.

    I am not sure how much web development you have done, but the "works on my machine" problem can and does show up. And not just machines, different browswers and different browser versions. Unless you go very simple, you can get a graphic designer to point out plenty of problems for you.

keepamovin 6 hours ago

I concur with this. Developing BrowserBox locally is useful for many reasons.

Stress testing the application by stretching it like a rubber sheet to wrap around as many different operating systems as possible is a useful way to iron out various bugs that affect more than one system but may not have been triggered in an easier development process.

Running the application locally is also a way that many people first download and try it, so ensuring a reasonable experience on a laptop is quite important. Iterating on front-end code with a TLS certificate from mkcert provides access to all the JavaScript APIs you’d expect to see on the public internet under TLS.

Running the browser back-end on different OS and architecture targets is a good way to control for or “fuzz against” the quirks you might see in interactions between the operating system, file system layout, the behavior of common Linux-style command line utilities, and the creation of different users and running processes as them. Many of these things have slightly different behaviors across different operating systems, and stretching BrowserBox across those various targets has been one of the strong methods for building stability over time.

My respect for Bash as the lingua franca of scripting languages has grown immensely during this time, and I’ve felt validated by the Unix-style approach where commonly available tools are combined to handle much of the OS-level work. Adaptations are made as needed for different targets, while a lot of the business logic is handled in Node.js. Essentially, this approach uses Bash and Linux philosophy as the glue that sticks the Node.js application layer to the substrate of the target operating system. I made this choice a long time ago, and I’m very satisfied with it. I increasingly feel that it’s the validated approach because new features requiring interaction with the operating system, such as extensions or audio, have been well-supported by this design choice for building the remote browser isolation application.

An alternative approach might be to stick everything into first-class programming languages, seeking a Node library for each requirement and wrapping anything not directly supported in a C binding or wrapper. But I’ve never found that practical. Node is fantastic for the evented part of the application, allowing data to move around quickly. However, there are many touchpoints between the application and the operating system, which are useful to track or leverage. These include benefits like security isolation from user space, permissions and access control, and process isolation. The concept of a multi-user application integrated with a Unix-style multi-user server environment has been advantageous. The abundance of stable, well-established tools that perform many useful tasks in Unix, and targets that can run those tools, has been immensely helpful.

On the front end, the philosophy is to stay at the bleeding edge of the latest web features but only to use them once they become generally available across all major browsers—a discipline that is easier to maintain these days as browser vendors more frequently roll out major, useful features. There’s also a policy of keeping top-level dependencies to a minimum. Essentially, the focus is on the Node runtime, some WebRTC and WebSocket libraries, and HTTP server components. Most of the Node-side dependencies are actually sub-dependencies and not top-level. A lot of dependencies are at the operating system level, allowing us to benefit from the security and stability maintained by multiple package ecosystems. I think this is a sound approach.

Porting everything to a Windows PowerShell-type environment was a fascinating exercise. For the front end, having virtually no dependencies except some in-house tools fosters faster iteration, reduces the risk of breaking changes from external sources, and minimizes security risks from frequently updated libraries with thousands of users and contributors. Some of the ways we’ve approached security by design and stability by design include adopting a development process that is local-first but local-first across a range of different targets.

Pxtl 5 hours ago

Imho this is a problem with many DevOps pipelines - we use Azure DevOps and the inability to run the Azure pipeline yaml files locally means I end up just writing all our deployment as PowerShell scripts and the DO pipeline just calls them.

Local deployment is not negotiable.

And I still come back to Spolsky's "Joel Test": there must be 1 command with no extra steps that you run to get running version of the software on your local developer machine.

komali2 5 hours ago

If you can't build and run the full environment locally, even in a diminished state, how can you debug the production stack? I'm always advocating for ridiculously fleshed out readmes that describe in detail how to run every part of our stack locally, how to deploy it, and how it's running on the prod servers. If I die I want one of the juniors the next day able to report on how to do anything I do.

FpUser 6 hours ago

>"Nowadays, there are options such as Draft, Skaffold, Tilt or Garden to spin-up entire clusters locally, or provide pseudo-local development environments. It’s never been easier to provide a great developer experience. What do you think?"

I think fuck it. I run my own company where I develop software for clients and the last thing I need is for my environment and tools is to be controlled / selected by some corporate imbecile.

bagels 7 hours ago

You can't run Facebook on a laptop either.

  • ramchip 7 hours ago

    Perhaps it was possible when George Hotz (the quote's source) worked there in 2011?

    • kleinsch 6 hours ago

      He said this in 2022 when it was definitely not possible to run FB on a laptop either.