Ask HN: How can I improve my memory?

3 points by memoryfail 2 days ago

Does anyone have suggestions/personal experience in regards to improving their memory?

I have gotten to the point in my life where I question what I do for pleasure, because since I cannot remember it, what's the point of doing it?

I want to finish Discworld but I can barely remember the books after reading them...

tcbawo 2 days ago

How is your sleep quality? If that is good, I also recommend meditation. Journaling is also great for distilling and capturing experiences.

chadcmulligan 2 days ago

Diet and exercise (unfortunately), I recommend Pilates for exercise, worked for me, but running is good to they say.

rolph 2 days ago

learn behavioral psych, esp factors influencing learning memory and recall. learn mentalist techniques, and exercise them as well as your recall.

read a page, stop, recall it, repeat, read a chapter recall the story line so far, repeat.